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Friday, 14 March 2014

How to Keep Your Décor Current with Tapestries


Traditional looking tapestries that are floral or have a landscape can seem “heavy” when they hang in the same location all the time. After all, the entire point of a tapestry originally was to be just that, heavy and absorb sound and moisture. To avoid having this type of situation happen to you, change a tapestry out each season. You can select four tapestries with the floral patterns or landscapes that you enjoy, but change the colors to suit your color scheme and “feel” of the room. So for example, in the winter, you may like to have darker colors than in the spring or summer.

Another idea is to keep traditionally themed tapestries but intersperse them with more modern or abstract wall tapestries. Doing this will change the vibe of the room, the colors and the overall energy. You may decide to rotate the tapestries based on natural flows, like the seasons, or for events and holidays. It is amazing how changing the largest decorative piece in a room can keep it feeling fresh and new. It is easy and not too expensive, and you can change the look easily.

If neither of these is possible given your decorative situation, then consider moving the tapestry to another area in the room. This will change the way the eye tracks colors and themes in the room as well as offer a “newish” look. The environment of your living space is a living space. This means that it needs change and upgrading once in a while so the room does not begin to “sag” emotionally. Look at the empty spaces you have available and think about how your room would be different with a tapestry hanging there. These are easy changes that are fun and best of all, not permanent.

Visit online to know more home decor tapestries:
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