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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Wall Hanging Tapestries

Have you ever wondered why older ladies love floral patterns? From purses to blouses, to perfumes, to paintings on the wall, it seems that even looking at a floral anything incurs an “age penalty”. Buy that painting of a vase of flowers and add 30 years to your age! Okay, that may be extreme, but you get the idea. The reason for the focus on floral patterns is that they never look the same way twice, and it takes a lot of life experience to notice this; unless, of course, someone points this out to you. So, consider you “pointed-outted to!”

     Adding a floral wall hanging tapestry to the décor in your home is like adding a living thing. It changes and breathes and even seems to have moods. The details of the petals and the colors come alive at different points in the day and in the year. What the floral wall hanging tapestry evokes in the spring will not be the same in the fall. Because of this, floral wall hanging tapestries are never the same no matter where they are hung.

     Another great thing about floral wall hanging tapestries is that they can be decorated too. During the winter holidays, garlands and candles make nice accents to them as well as Nativity scenes or “snow skirts”. For the vernal equinox (aka Easter time), they can be adorned with pastel-colored ribbons. No matter what the basic colors of the tapestry are, it is likely so richly colored, than any item that is placed near it will highlight one of the hundreds of thread patterns.

     It is OK for a floral tapestry to exist in your home. It does not mean you’re old; to the contrary, it means that you have an appreciation for life and the value of a tapestry that “lives” from generation to generation.
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